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Is dental sedation appropriate for me?

Is dental sedation appropriate for me?

During dental treatments, our Surrey patients typically find that local anesthetic is sufficient to prevent pain. That said, some patients may require additional sedation to help them get the dental care they need in a calm and stress-free manner. 

Whatever the reason for your visit to Guildford Heights Dental Centre our goal is to provide you with a relaxed and comfortable dental experience. 

While most of our patients find that local anesthetic is sufficient to prevent pain during common dental procedures, others benefit from the additional help of dental sedation. 

Dental sedation can be used to help anxious or nervous patients to feel more relaxed and calm about visiting the dentist.

Each patient's sedation and general anesthesia needs are unique. Our Surrey dentists determine our patient's need for sedation on a case-by-case basis. 

Your Surrey dentist may recommend dental sedation in the following cases:

  • Local anesthetic is not effective in controlling your pain;
  • Allergies to local aesthetic;
  • You will be undergoing long, complex, or particularly invasive dental procedures;
  • Severe dental anxiety or fear;
  • Special needs due to mental or physical disabilities;
  • Low pain tolerance;
  • Special healthcare requirements;
  • Dental phobias;
  • Exaggerated gag reflexes;
  • Difficulties sitting still during dental treatment;
  • Difficulty holding mouth open for sustained periods of time.

There is no need to allow dental anxiety to prevent you from getting the oral healthcare you need. Our team of dental professionals can help you to get through your next dental treatment in a relaxed and stress-free manner.

If you think that dental sedation could be beneficial for you, contact us. Our team of dental professionals want to help you have a positive dental experience when you visit Guildford Heights Dental Centre.

We're your family dentists in Surrey, BC.

Contact Guildford Heights Dental today to book a consultation for you or your family. 

(604) 581-4060